Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yes, We Are Still Alive! expected...I am officially a blog loser. May 27 was my last post - almost 6 weeks ago....sad. Life is flying by so fast it amazes me and every day I pick my daughter up from school her conversations about her day are getting longer and clearer. I can't believe that I almost have a two year old. Aria continues to blow me away with how fast she is growing up. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time and have her stay small forever. Having a child is quickly helping me learn how critical it is to slow down and enjoy my life where it is at right NOW. I'm working on it. Its so easy to get wrapped up in the "busy-ness" that life throws at you every day and it scares me how fast my days go.

Our lives have been, like I said above, crazy. Since my last post we have gone through two more colds (Aria and I)! I was starting to think we were past the cold season...finally...but apparently not. Aria gets over them faster and faster...Mom isn't always as lucky. My brothers turned 29 on June 2nd and we were able to spend time with both of them which was wonderful. Mom turned ____ on June 23rd (your welcome Mom).

And our other big news...drumroll...we are moving! I found a really cute two bedroom apartment downtown Gresham and we are moving this weekend. I am very excited to have our own place and give my parents a break from mountains of toys and laundry. I am curious to see how Aria responds...she is a creature of habit and LOVES her routines. Things will be very tight for us with affording her full-time school and a commute to Beaverton every day, but I feel like I have to make it work at some point. This will be a good first transition for Aria, we will still be close to her Papa and Wawa (Grandpa and Grandma) that have been such a huge part of her life and will still be at the same school.

No pictures for today's blog, but I have taken quite a few in the last few weeks so I will be posting them soon!